Netcraft has been installing and managing Linux systems since its inception in 1995. With over 25 years of experience we can design and deliver a cost effective, expert solution for your business. Our experience covers:

Linux Administration
- Linux server installation, migration, and management
- Remote Linux server administration and management
- Software installation and configuration
- Linux security
- Backup design and implementation
- Issue identification and rectification

Internet Support & Management
- Web and proxy servers
- Network management and maintenance
- Virtualization, including KVM and ProxMox VE
- Web scripting
- Linux based email services
- Load balancing
- DHCP & TCP/IP Management

Security & Firewall
- Linux systems security auditing and corrective action
- Linux system alerting and updating service
- Router firewall design-configuration
- Disaster Recovery

- Database design, installation, configuration, and management
- PostgreSQL performance tuning, analysis, and maintenance
- Custom software development
- Linux-based Hyper Converged Infrastructure Solution